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Friday, 16 March 2012

Evaluation Question 1

Evaluation Question1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

For this question we'd like you to produce a video or a prezi.(examples have been included at the end of the post). You could do a powerpoint and convert it in slideshare if you'd prefer. If you don't create a video for this question then you will need to for another.
Videos can be split screen with half of you discussing your production and comparing it to real media texts and the other half examples of what you're discussing or you can opt for a voice over with images on screen of what you're discussing.

You have 2 lessons to complete this question.
You should cover the following;

  1. Reference your initial research (textual and photography) - what did you find to be the forms and conventions of the magazine genre you were researching?
  2. How did you use these forms and conventions in your products?
  3. Did you challenege any of the forms and conventions? How and why? (you may want to reference your initial audience research here.
You must - compare you products to professional products. You should include screen shots of both your work and professional texts and highlight the similarities. Strong work would cut up professional texts and aspects of their own work to discuss the micro detail.

The aspects we would like you to consider across your work are:

The title of the magazine
mise-en-scene of images
Costumes and props
Title font and style
Written content
Music genre and how your magazine suggests it
Contents pages

You should cover the following;

  1. Reference your initial research (textual and photography) - what did you find to be the forms and conventions of the magazine genre you were researching?
  2. How did you use these forms and conventions in your products?
  3. Did you challenege any of the forms and conventions? How and why? (you may want to reference your initial audience research here.
You must - compare you products to professional products. You should include screen shots of both your work and professional texts and highlight the similarities. Strong work would cut up professional texts and aspects of their own work to discuss the micro detail.

The aspects we would like you to consider across your work are:

Shot Distance / Angle
Camera movement
Framing Decisions
Editing Pace (shot duration - rhythm & pace)
Lighting (high key, low key, natural)
Sound (digetic, non-diegetic and dialogue)
Use of Intertitles
Use of logos
Character Type

Here are some examples of past student work:



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