The central hub provides help and advice for your foundation portfolio.

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Monday, 26 September 2011

Prelim Evaluation. Wk beginning 26th September

Once you have completed your Prelim Front Cover and Contants Page, you will need to evaluate your work.

For your evaluation will be hand writing an evaluation, answerring the following questions;

1.In What ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

(To answer this question you should compare and contrast your magazine cover with a professional one, discussing photography (shot distance, props, use of lighting, costume and pose), page layout, use of font, use of colour and the content of the sell lines.)

2.Who would be the audience for your media product?

To answer this question you will need to discuss who the target audience is)

Tell me about their age, sex, interests, music consumption, fashion choices, fav food and drink

3.How did you attract/ address your audience?

Think about design and language features you used in order to identify with your target audience)

How does knowing who, specifically, your audience is make it easier to design a product for them? How were you influenced by knowing your intended audience? (think about costume, content, language, layout, props, colours etc.)

What did you do to attract them and what do your audience think? What do they like/dislike?

Why not do a focus group on facebook. Upload your work to facebook, create a discussion about it and then screen grab the feedback and insert it into your blog as a picture.

4. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Remember to discuss all of the software you've used - Photoshop and blogger alongside the scanner, Apple Macs and photography equipment. Discuss what you've learnt about each and how you feel your product benefitted.

This evaluation will be hand written in the second lesson of the week, and handed in to your teacher at the end of the lesson.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Photoshop Intro

Week Beginning Monday September 19th

First lesson this week will be a brief introduction to how to use Photoshop. You should now all have a good idea about the layout of a magazine front cover, and now it's time to put it into practice!

By the end of todays lesson, you should all have a basic outline of a magazine front cover, together with a mast head and sell lines. You must also consider the image you will insert too. We will be taking photographs from the second lesson of the week, ready to complete your front cover.

Remember to create an A4 document, and don't forget to use a new layer for every item you add to your front cover.

Below is a video that may help you if you get stuck:

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Photography Composition

1. Get ready - How to Embed Video from YouTube.

Click the Watch on YouTube button beneath this video. Switch tabs to the YouTube tab.
Under the video, click the Share button.
Then on the left beneath, click the Embed button.
Copy the Embed code. (On a Mac, press Cmd + C, not Ctrl + C.)
Go to your blog and create a New Post called Photography Composition.
On the Post editing window, switch from Compose mode to Edit HTML mode.
Paste your Embed code into the Post editing window.
Publish the Post.

2. Get the worksheet

Go to Moodle and the Media Studies AS area.
In the central section, look for the Foundation Production section. Expand this with ther down arrow on the left.
Scroll down to Prelim Task - Print and click on the Photography Composition docx.
Open the file and save it to your Media Studies/Print Prelim folder.

3. Get going

Watch the video and complete the worksheet. Use the drawing tools in Word for the parts you have to draw. On a Mac you could use the Grab application to grab the shots of the lighting setups from the paused video: save these from Grab as TIFFs, then in Word go to Insert > Picture from File.

Flat Plan Rationale

Once you've scanned in and uploaded your flat plans you should write a short rationale. Basically this is a paragraph that outlines the decisions that you've made and why.

The rationale for your flat plan should;

Justify the colours that you have chosen to use (what connotations do they have, how do they relate to your target audience?)

Justify your page layout (positioning and size of sell lines, shot distance, positioning of main image, positioning and size of your mast head, any banners you've used etc.)

Discuss the content of your sell lines - how are they indicative of the genre of the magazine? How will they relate to your target audience? Would they sell your magazine - how and why?

Discuss your photography decisions (distance, angle, lighting, costume, props etc) and why you have made these decisions - relate to the genre of the magazine and the target audience.

Finally justify your font size and face decisions.

Flat Planning

Before beginning your flat plans source both a professional cover and contents page that you like the layout of and use this as a guide (only) to plan yours.

Then begin your flat plan. Below are examples from last years AS students.

Inspirational texts

Google image search some front covers and contents pages. Save a selection that appeal to you in terms of design.

Upload them to a new post called Inspirational Texts.

Add comments about what it is about their design that makes them appeal to you.

Make use of the terminology you have learnt so far.

Look out for more subtle details like how things are aligned, or the use of dead space.

Layout of Magazine Covers

Print Prelim: Introduction