Jonny Ainsley has even produced a YouTube Video of his logos:
The central hub provides help and advice for your foundation portfolio.
Monday, 27 February 2012
Current Logos
Jonny Ainsley has even produced a YouTube Video of his logos:
Updating your blogs
Remember to create posts for photoshoots - upload your photoshoot images and annotate them, outlining the strengths and weaknesses of each shot. Try to refer to your textual research and compare your work to that of professional practice.
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Remember this is a music magazine. You need to be thinking about your mise-en-scene:
Hair styles - do they match the genre? take inspiration from current artists and bands
Make-Up - again is it safe should you be thinking about elaborate make-up to match the genre?
Costume - don't shoot in normal college clothes - would you go out dressed in your college wear -NO - so glam up for the shoots.
Below are some ideas for inspiration and some previous student work follows.
For Double Page Spreads how about:
Monday, 20 February 2012
Mon 20th Feb
There are 6 weeks until the Easter break which means - 6 weeks of lesson time to complete my foundation portfolio.
There are 60 marks available for construction and 20 marks for Research and Planning and 20 marks for evaluation - 100 marks in total
To achieve a grade:
A I need to get 80 marks
B I need to get 70 marks
C I need to get 60 marks
To be in level 4 (grade A/B) my work must demonstrate excellence throughout.
By Monday 5th March I should have a rough cut of my products
By Monday 19th March my products should be completed
From Monday 19th - Friday 30th March I will be working on my 7 evaluation questions.
The my completed portfolio should be submitted for formal marking on Monday 16th April. I should use the Easter break to make any minor amendments to my work.
In order to meet these deadlines I will:
(insert your own action plan here)
Friday, 10 February 2012
Draft R&P feedback
Draft marking
.....scan in your feedback sheet.
Then write a short paragraph underneathe the feedback which outlines changes that you intend to make to your work and how you intend to do this.
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Top Tips from the Chief Examiner
Monday, 6 February 2012
2. Textual Analysis Prezi
3. Secondary Audience Research with write up of who, specifically, the target audience is.
4. Primary Audience Research - Questionnaire & Focus group with detailed write up of findings and how they will influence the product you create.
5. Institutional Research - write up of the companies involved in the production and distribution of your product and how their status affects the product. Also you'll need to include a write up of the stages of production involved in creating a music magazine and the job roles associated with each stage. Higher marks will be awarded for students who acknowledge how this will affect them (what roles they will take on and the skills they need).
6. Inspirational Photography Analysis
8. Mood Board of other inspirational images with annotation
9. Planning Article
10.Flatplans (with supporting rationale, justifying the design choices made - the connotations of this and how it will appeal to the intended audience)
11. Assesment of Flat Plans and Write up of Improvements I need to make
12. Article Planning
13. Recce of Location
14. Risk & Hazzard Assessments
15.Call Sheets
16. Model Release Forms
17. Evidence of me organising costume, Props & Make-Up (Images of me collating the equipment, images of me testing make-up and costumes on friends)
18. Test Shots (Photographs of practiced poses for Cover, contents & DPS)
Filmers should have the following in their blogs:
2. Textual Analysis Prezi – emphasis on TITLES!!
3. Secondary Audience Research with write up of whom, specifically, the target audience is.
4. Primary Audience Research
5. Institutional Research- write up of the companies involved in the production and distribution of your product and how their status affects the product. Also you'll need to include a write up of the stages of production involved in creating a music magazine and the job roles associated with each stage. Higher marks will be awarded for students who acknowledge how this will affect them (what roles they will take on and the skills they need).
6.Inspirational Image Analysis
7. Research into Logos
10. Shooting Schedules / Shot List
11. Recce of Location
12. Risk & Hazzard Assessments
13. Call Sheets
14. Model Release Forms
15. Researching Sound and making sound (screen shots + .mov of MP3)
Developing Logos
When producing logos, in photoshop, set your page to the following:
Check out a level 4 response:
Planning Sounds
Then take screen shots of producing sounds, as tests, in garage band and import the MP3 version into your blog.
Model Release Forms
Once signed scan them into your blog.
Call Sheets
All students should complete call sheets for every model that they intend to use in their production.
However, you could do your call sheets like this
Friday, 3 February 2012
HOMEWORK: Hazzard & Risk Assessments
Below is the document that you should complete and either scan in or turn into a JPEG.
ALternatively you could do your recce and assessments combined
HOMEWORK: Recce of location
Basically, you need to take shots of the locations that you intend to use for your photography and filming. Next to each shot you should provide a discussion about it's suitability and relation to the genre.
You can use the following proforma and then scan it into your blog or save as a .PDF - open in Photoshop or Preview and save as a .JPEG.You will then be able to import it into your blog.
You can find the template on the Idrive - AS/A2 materials - advanced portfolio - planning.
Alternatively you could use text and images in a post, so long as you cover all the things asked for in the document above.
Moving Image: Animatics
Below is an example of an animatic.